When to See A Chiropractor | Know the Early Signs

Typically, people tend to book an appointment with a chiropractor when they have neck pain, back spasms, or are otherwise experiencing general discomfort. However, long before these painful symptoms surface, our bodies could be showing early warning signs that we should be mindful of. If you notice that one or more of the following are affecting your quality of life, it may be time to call your chiropractor.

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Poor Sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, it may be linked to the type of mattress you use. According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, your standing posture mimics your sleeping posture. Your chiropractor can better advise what type of mattress is best to support your posture and improve your quality of sleep.

Lack of Energy

Chiropractic health is about diagnosing and treating the root cause of many different issues. Since the parts of the body are interconnected, you may notice your energy levels start to suffer when any part of the body is not functioning to its full potential.

Muscle or joint pain

Similar to a decrease in energy, muscle pain may only be felt in one part of the body, with the root cause originating in a different body part. Your chiropractor can help identify the source of the joint or muscle pain, and treat the underlying issues.


Stress, dehydration, hunger or excessive noise can all cause a headache. In addition to performing any number of treatments, a chiropractor can recommend changes to your daily routine, including exercises and diet changes that might alleviate your headaches.

Unevenly worn-down soles

Have you ever noticed that people wear down the soles of their shoes differently? If you see increased wear on the outside soles of your shoes, or increased wear on a specific sole, your chiropractor may be able to perform a gait analysis to determine potential issues, even if you aren’t yet experiencing any pain.


Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease that causes the bones to become brittle. While there is no cure, treatments from a chiropractor may improve your range of motion and help prevent falls and fractures. Your chiropractor may also provide nutrition counseling to support overall bone health.

Accident injuries

Accidents of all types – no matter how small – can cause injuries, as well as affect the way your body functions. Whether you have been rear-ended in a car accident, fallen off your bike or slipped on an icy sidewalk, it is worthwhile to see your chiropractor to help diagnose any issues with your bones and soft tissues.

Repetitive motion

A sedentary lifestyle can put continuous pressure on the whole body. The pain resulting from poor posture is easily exacerbated by tasks requiring long periods working at a computer or standing in one spot. Chiropractors are finding office workers, students and anyone with poor posture show similar signs of body pains and dysfunction.


Chiropractors that treat babies and children use a modified technique that is designed for smaller joints – ask your practitioner for advice on how treatments can help your child.

If you experience numbness, tingling sensations in your extremities, or any of the symptoms listed above, then it is worth calling your chiropractor to set up an appointment. Chiropractic care is about addressing the underlying cause of your symptoms with a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs.

We Can Help!

If you experience numbness, tingling sensations in your extremities, or any of the symptoms listed above, then it is worth calling your chiropractor to set up an appointment. Chiropractic care is about addressing the underlying cause of your symptoms with a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs.


Dr. Paul Thibert