Plantar Fasciitis

Do you suffer from foot pain caused by plantar fasciitis?

If so, you might be wondering…

What is the cause of my plantar fasciitis?  

Causes can range from overuse, tight calves, and more. Dr. Thibert will assess and diagnose what is causing your plantar fasciitis. He will then help you develop a treatment plan to reduce the severity of your foot pain and restore function of your foot.

How do I avoid plantar fasciitis from returning or getting worse? 

When plantar fasciitis goes untreated it can evolve into a larger problem from compensatory walking. This can lead to pain in other areas of the body. The sooner the plantar fasciitis treatment begins, the better your chances become when trying to avoid chronic and correlated pain.
How can NW Chiropractic and Massage help ?
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