Custom orthotics are medical devices designed specifically for your feet, supporting your arches, improving alignment, and alleviating pain or discomfort. They differ from standard shoe insoles because of the biomechanical corrections we can apply with orthotics to correct specific foot imbalances.
Feet constantly have a direct impact on the rest of the body as they provide the base support of every structure above them. A small problem in the feet can alter the way you walk, creating a chain reaction in terms of movement and posture in the rest of the body. A small orthotic correction in your feet can make a big difference up the kinetic chain!
What is the process of getting custom orthotics in
NW Calgary?
If any of the above conditions or symptoms sound familiar, it might be time to try out custom orthotics! Chat with us at NW Chiropractic and Massage in NW Calgary to see if orthotics are right for you.
Monday – Thursday
8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
7:30 AM – 12:00 PM
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
3604 52 Ave NW #138,
Calgary, AB T2L 1V9
(403) 282-4004
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