MVA Rehab Therapy in NW Calgary

Have you been in an auto accident? Do you have pain from your collision? Our NW Calgary Chiropractors play a crucial role in recovery from your MVA injuries, focusing on your musculoskeletal system and reducing your pain.

What is MVA rehab therapy?

MVA rehab is a series of treatments designed to address injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents. Our Calgary Chiropractors utilize spinal manipulation and other manual therapy techniques to restore proper alignment and function to your musculoskeletal system. Our goal is to reduce pain, improve mobility, and promote healing in your body.

Rehabilitation exercises may be incorporated to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and restore normal function. We may also draw from specific therapies, such as Graston Technique, to address the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction so you can recover safely.

How do I get approved for MVA treatment?

  1. Book an appointment with our NW Calgary Chiropractors for an assessment of your condition.
  2. Complete the Notice of Loss and Proof of Claim Form (AB-1 Form). This form will be provided by our clinic. If you choose to request Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols coverage, you must submit this form within 10 days of your accident.
  3. When you get diagnosed in this category, you have 90 days to access treatment from any of our NW Calgary Chiropractors. You can also seek care from our Physiotherapist and Massage Therapists. NOTE: There is a specific limit to the number of treatments you can seek, which we can go over during your assessment.
  4. For other injuries, or if you choose not to access the “Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols” coverage, you have 30 days post-accident to submit your AB-1 form. After you submit, your insurance company will contact you.

What are some conditions MVA rehab therapy can address?

An auto accident can result in many temporary or long-term injuries or conditions. Our goal is to support your recovery from as many as we can. Some common ones we help with:

What are the benefits of MVA rehab?

There are many benefits to getting MVA therapy with the use of chiropractic. Here are just a few:

Seeking MVA Rehab with NW Chiropractic and Massage

MVA Rehab isn’t just treated with chiropractic. Massage therapy and physiotherapy are also great treatments to support auto injury recovery. If you’ve been in an accident, reach out to us at NW Chiropractic and Massage to begin recovery!

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