“It is my belief that no one should ever have to stop participating in sport or activity due to an injury or condition. With a committed attitude, we can work in tandem to foster a return to sport, activity or occupation to your fullest potential.”

JoAnne Gratton


JoAnne Gratton MScPT, BKin is a born and raised Calgarian. She is an avid hiker and has had an active involvement in recreational sports.  She has completed the John Muir Trail and has a passion for implementing functional movement into everyday practices.

JoAnne completed her Masters in Physical Therapy at the University of Alberta in 2017 and, prior to that, an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology at the University of Calgary.

Since graduating, she has taken courses in:

With a focus directed to finding the cause of the condition versus chasing the symptoms, she employs a variety of treatments in her practice such as joint mobilization, scar manipulation, Acutonics, massage, muscle energy techniques, kinesiology taping, and exercise prescription. Treatment planning is individualized to the client’s needs and desires to effectively target their recovery goals. JoAnne has a diversified experience in musculoskeletal conditions including post-surgical recovery, frozen shoulder, whiplash, MVA, strains and sprains, ACL rehabilitation, and has a special interest in concussion rehabilitation and functional movement therapy.